Heber Valley Transportation

Driving Directions

From Salt Lake City to Heber is approximately 73 miles.

Take I-15 S/I-80 E toward Cheyenne. Merge onto I-80 Exit 304 toward Cheyenne. Take the US-40 E (Exit 146) toward Heber/Vernal.

From Las Vegas, NV to Heber City is approximately 530 miles away.

Take I-15 North. Take 800 North in Orem (exit 272, UT- 52) go east. Take left ramp Provo Canyon Rd/US-189.

Public Transportation from Salt Lake City to Heber

Salt Lake Express offers shuttles/charter buses from Downtown Salt Lake City and the Salt Lake City Airport to Heber City that runs twice daily. Visit SaltLakeExpress.com to book.

Heber Weather

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Average Precipitation

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