Navajo and Partition Arches
Navajo Arch and Partition Arch are located on the Navajo Arch Spur Trail, which branches from the Devils Garden Primitive Loop about 1.2 miles west of the Devils Garden Trailhead. The spur trail takes visitors to the south side of the well-known collection of fins that contains the monumental Landscape Arch.
Trail Head: 38.783166, -109.595171
Trail Type: Hiking
Length: 3 miles round trip
Difficulty: Moderate
The trail begins at the Devils Garden parking area, at the end of the main access road in Arches National Park. The Devils Garden Trail is nice, wide, and level, as good as it gets in the barren Arches landscape. The improved trail ends at Landscape Arch; a Primitive Loop Trail extends from there, providing access to many of the area's most spectacular structures.
This whole trail is undeveloped, though it is the north end that is considered the actual primitive section of the loop. The Primitive Loop begins near the viewing area for Landscape Arch, the largest arch in the world.
This spur trail is .27 miles long from the Primitive Trail to Navajo Arch, and .24 miles long from the Primitive Trail to Partition Arch.
Partition is a window-like arch found along the same fin as Landscape Arch, though farther to the northwest.
Navajo is heavy and deep, and parallel to Partition on the next fin to the southwest.
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Navajo and Partition Arches