Skyline Arch

The Skyline Arch Trail is short and easy, less than a half-mile roundtrip hike from the parking lot and back. The arch itself is one of the more popular landmarks in Arches, though not so much as Delicate Arch, Landscape Arch or the Fiery Furnace. It makes for spectacular photographs, owing to its position, literally, on the skyline. Its proximity to the Devils Garden Campground makes it a perfect hike for those who arrive at the park late in the afternoon and only have a little while to explore after getting situated.

Trail Head: 38.772181, -109.590979
Trail Type: Hiking
Length: 0.4 miles round trip
Difficulty: Easy


The trailhead is located in the middle of the parking lot, heading off to the northwest as it approaches Skyline Arch and the campground.


Skyline Arch sits high atop the rocks of the Devils Garden, visible from many areas of the park. It is easy to hike up to the arch, but requires some scrambling and rock-hopping skill in order to approach closer.


This is a popular place to spend the night at Arches, with restrooms, showers, and lots of hiking just right around the corner. The campground also hosts the Broken Arch Loop Trail, which runs past Tapestry Arch, and Broken Arch, and then swings south towards, though not passing, Sand Dune Arch and then back up past Skyline Arch before returning to the campground.


Sand Dune Arch sits within the shadows of two large sandstone fins. The trail up to Sand Dune Arch becomes quite narrow for a few hundred yards, a small slot canyon. It continues past the arch for a little way before choking up and becoming impassable.


A popular arch, though not actually broken as its name implies. The lintel of the arch is creased, and looks like it doesn’t form a connection, and appears broken. The trail goes directly under the span of Broken Arch before swinging west towards the Devils Garden Campground. There are two short trails leading north towards the lesser renowned Tapestry Arch, about half-way between the campground, and Broken Arch.

Click here for more information about Arches and the surrounding area.

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