Tent Camping in Utah
Tent camping is an enjoyable, affordable way to enjoy the outdoors. The experience can be easily customized to meet virtually any interest level, budget and family configuration.
In Utah, tent camping options are almost unlimited. Commercial campgrounds offering tent sites can be found in or near all of our larger cities and many of our small towns. All of our public campgrounds offer tent sites. Dozens of such campgrounds can be found clustered around recreation areas and distributed through national forests and other public land areas.
Much of the public land in Utah is open to tent camping, even if there are no developed campgrounds nearby. Check with the agency managing the land if you have questions.
Here are tips to help you have an enjoyable tent camping experience:
Make reservations or arrive early. Many of our campgrounds fill up on summer weekends, and on weekdays associated with holidays. Some public campgrounds do not take reservations and most campgrounds have sites that are only available on a first-come basis. If you can't make reservations, but you can arrive early in the day on a Friday, you can usually find a spot for the weekend. By mid-afternoon on Friday all sites may be full.
Inspect your gear before leaving home. It is frustrating if you arrive at camp and then discover you've lost a tent pole.
Use the best equipment you can afford. The quality and functionality of camping equipment has increased dramatically during recent years. If you have and know how to use good equipment there is no reason you should be cold, wet or uncomfortable.
Practice with your equipment in your back yard, or at a campground that is close to your home. There is a learning curve associated with camping gear. It can be frustrating to arrive at camp, 100 miles from home, with rain falling, and not know how to set up the tent.
Learn rules involving pets. Dogs in particular can be enjoyable camping companions and most campgrounds allow them if they are restrained. Be courteous.
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